A Four-Part SPARK Spooktacular Series

With Halloween quickly approaching, parents everywhere are throwing up cotton cobwebs and plastic tarantulas on their front door, taking family trips to the pumpkin patch, and searching for the perfect costume for the kids, adults and, even, the family pets. Some parents engage in these festivities with an overly zealous enthusiasm. But let’s creep it real, for others, these are just additional items on an ever-growing to do list. For all of us, though, the hope of seeing little faces light up in the magic of this favourite-of-many celebration is motivation enough.
In this Four-Part SPARK Spooktacular Series, we’ve compiled some handy ideas for parents with kids with various needs to refer to, in preparation for Halloween at the end of the month. We have included some resources that might be helpful as families navigate the challenges that come with this occasion. We’ve also discussed some alternate Halloween activities, because Trick-or-Treating just isn’t for everyone. Finally, we have some tips for those staying home and handing out candy to help make Halloween more inclusive and welcoming to everyone! Read on if you want to Hallowin this year (or something close to it, at least)!
Check out all four parts of the series by clicking the links below:
● Part 1: Seven Tips for Dressing Up on Halloween